My main focus is on investigating business models supporting a shift toward a sustainable, circular, and regenerative economy. Over the years this interest has revolved around how to make the modes of production and consumption evolve through innovative forms of entrepreneurship such as sustainable luxury entrepreneurship and open-source hardware.
Currently, I’m researching designers’ shift in consciousness and how mindfulness reinforces responsible innovation. Other topics include how serious games can be used to foster collective intelligence towards ecological transition, as well as the different ways of sensitizing people towards taking action in becoming transition actors.
Selected publications
Thomas, L., Pistofidou, A., Troxler, P. & Kohtala, C. (2024). Peer Production as Mindful and Responsible Innovation: The Case of Fabricademy. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 43, 103-129.
Thomas, L., Evrard, K. and Troxler, P. (2023). Building Open Source Hardware Business Models. In: F. Monaco, ed., Business Models and Strategies for Open Source Projects. [online] IGI Global. Available at:
Thomas, L. & Evrard Samuel, K. (2023). Leveraging Stakeholders to Grow Open-source Hardware Business Models: The Case of Barcelona. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 40, 193-223.
Thomas, L. & Evrard Samuel, K. (2019). Business Models for Open Source Hardware. Ph.D Thesis. Université Grenoble Alpes.
Bonvoisin, J., Thomas, L., Mies, R., Gros, C., Stark, R., Samuel, K. E., ... & Boujut, J. F. (2017, August). Current state of practices in open source product development. In 21 rst Internationale Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17).
Bendell, J., & Thomas, L. (2013). The appearance of elegant disruption: Theorising sustainable luxury entrepreneurship. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 2013(52), 9-24.